26 November, 2015





David Shieh Chong
Vice President (I) Investment Promotions of Malaysia Property Incorporated
David S. Chong was called to the Bar of England & Wales as a Barrister-at-Law at Lincoln’s Inn
in 2006. After being called to the Malaysian Bar, he commenced his career as a corporate
lawyer at the KL office of Zico Law (a regional ASEAN Law Firm) and subsequently moved into
real estate related work.
In his real estate career, he has worked as a property negotiator, a legal manager in a boutique
private equity property development company in Malaysia and was later attached to Ray White
Real Estate’s Melbourne office in Australia. David initially joined Malaysia Property Incorporated
(a Malaysian Government Initiative focusing on promoting Malaysia and attracting foreign direct
investment into Malaysian real estate) in 2013 and was recently promoted to Vice President (1)
in 2015.

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泰国市区黄金地点抢手楼盘预售即将开始 !!!

泰国市区黄金地点抢手楼盘预售即将开始 !!!     项目: 开发商:泰国顶级 10 大开发商之一,盖了超过 300 多个楼盘 楼价:对比圈内近期推售的楼盘价格是最有竞争力 地点:圈内许多甲级办公室陆续建设中、周边许多高档公寓在短期内售罄 附...